Film Malam Minggu

What do I mean? Well, go type "random chat" or "webcam chat". Take a look at that list - gobs and gobs of pages of different video chat services all offering the exact same thing in a randomly bad way.

Honestly, it's like playing the lottery. Close your eyes and click a link - the smart money says you'll lose the game. In this case, the goal of the game is to find a webcam chat site that doesn't stink. Odds are you'll run into one of or a combination of the following problems:

Free doesn't mean free. It happens all the time - you'll see an offer for "free video chat" and you can't help but be interested. Things look promising at first, but soon you're told that your free time is up and then you're smacked in the face with a credit card information form. It's deceiving and a complete waste of your time.


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